The art of selling sow feed
Selling sow feed is an art that you refine every day, bringing the right products coupled with the right advice to respond to the needs of your customers. Formulating and producing sow feed premixes and specialties is part of what we do at Koudijs. Therefore, we know what it takes to develop and sell sow feeds in many different markets.

For our premix and specialties customers to bring sow feeds to market successfully we have developed a 4 step sow feed support program. Our Koudijs sow feed support program combines the knowledge and personal attention of experts with structured information tools and on feed formula based solutions. Also we help you to equip your sales and specialists teams with appropriate training.
Respond to what the market needs with the right piglet feed and application solutions
A complete sow feed assortment combined with application support helps you to answer the needs of your customers. In order to help you we have defined the 4 key process steps. The figure shows a schematic reproduction of the total process that is fully supported by the Koudijs sow feed support program. These steps build from the foundation upwards, supported by the Koudijs knowledge and experience that is captured in easy to use sow feed support tools with each step. Working with Koudijs means you can be supported in each of these steps, whether you want to start from scratch, building your own product range or you are already an accomplished master in the art of selling sow feed and would like to exchange thoughts about daily matters and future developments.
Sales and Advice Key selling points, training and sales advice |
Product and Application Assortment design, product choice, user guidance |
Feed Design Technical animal performancenutritional choices - feed content. |
Foundation Feed intake <-> production <-> nutritional norms |